MG Timber is a company that is all about inclusion, not exclusion. That is why we are so proud to show off our wheelchair accessible picnic tables.

Regardless of your physical ability, everybody should be able to have a good time and be comfortable when having fun with friends and family in the garden. Just because you find yourself in a position where you need to use a wheelchair it doesn’t mean you need to be stuck on the end of the table or sat away from the rest of the action.

Our wheelchair picnic table has been specifically designed with the wheelchair user in mind. Each design has adequate height, width and depth allowance to comply with regulations and ensure a comfortable experience while sitting at these tables.

Made from the finest Swedish redwood, our innovative wheelchair accessible picnic bench has been built for style, strength and functionality. Customers have the option of choosing between four unique designs, including single wheelchair with side entrance or end entrance and double wheelchair with end or side entrance. You can even specify whether you would prefer standard or rounded corners.

This product is perfect for people to install in their back garden and for pubs, schools, care homes and hotels to use in their outdoor areas. Not only will a wheelchair accessible picnic table be more comfortable for wheelchair users, it will also involve them in discussions and boost their self-esteem.

If you would like to find out more regarding our picnic table, contact us today on 01902 928663 or email [email protected]