Should You Cover Your Wooden Garden Furniture When Not in Use?

When you’ve invested in beautiful wooden garden furniture like picnic benches and tables, it’s only natural that you would want to keep them looking their best for as long as possible. These pieces often become the heart of outdoor gatherings, whether it’s a summer barbecue with friends or a quiet morning coffee surrounded by nature. So, should you cover your wooden garden furniture when it’s not in use? In this aftercare-focused piece, we will look at the details to help you make an informed decision as to whether or not it’s best to cover your wooden garden furniture.


The Effects of Weather on Wooden Furniture

Wood is a living, breathing material that naturally reacts to its environment. When left exposed to the elements, wooden furniture can be significantly impacted by various factors, including moisture, sunlight, and temperature fluctuations. These environmental conditions can alter the wood’s structure and appearance over time, potentially leading to issues such as warping, fading and cracking:


Rain and Moisture: Wood can absorb moisture, leading to swelling, warping and eventually rot if left untreated. While many wooden pieces are treated to be weather-resistant, prolonged exposure to rain can still take its toll.


Sunlight: UV rays from the sun can cause wood to fade, dry out and crack over time. This is especially true for lighter woods like pine, which can bleach in the sun, losing their rich colour.


Temperature Fluctuations: Extreme temperature changes can cause wood to expand and contract. Over time, this can lead to splitting and weakening of the wood.


Given these factors, covering your wooden garden furniture when it’s not in use is a wise choice, especially if you live in an area with unpredictable weather. Using a cover helps protect your furniture from rain, sunlight and temperature changes that can cause damage over time. This extra layer of protection ensures your picnic benches and tables remain in excellent condition and last longer, despite varying weather conditions.


When to Cover Your Furniture

During Prolonged Periods of Non-Use: If you know you won’t be using your garden furniture for a while, such as during the colder months, covering it is a wise decision. This helps protect the wood from moisture buildup, frost damage and any debris that might accumulate.


In Wet or Humid Climates: If you live in a region with a lot of rainfall or high humidity, covering your wooden furniture can help prevent moisture absorption, which can lead to mould and mildew.


When You’re Away: If you’re heading on holiday or won’t be using your garden for an extended period, covering your furniture ensures it’s protected while you’re gone.


When Not to Cover Your Furniture

While covering your wooden furniture has many benefits, there are also times when it’s best not to:


During Sunny, Dry Periods: Wooden furniture benefits from being exposed to fresh air and sunlight, as it helps prevent the buildup of moisture underneath covers. Leaving your furniture uncovered during dry, sunny periods allows the wood to breathe and stay dry.


If the Covers Are Not Breathable: Not all covers are created equal. If your cover isn’t breathable, it can trap moisture underneath, leading to the very problems you’re trying to avoid. Look for covers that are designed specifically for outdoor furniture, with breathable, waterproof materials that allow air to circulate.


Additional Tips for Protecting Wooden Garden Furniture

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance: Even if you cover your furniture, it’s important to clean and treat the wood regularly. This might include applying a protective oil or stain to help repel water and maintain the wood’s natural beauty.


Use Furniture Covers Correctly: Ensure that the covers fit properly, without touching the ground, as this can allow moisture to seep underneath. Elevating the cover slightly will help with airflow.


Consider Placement: If possible, place your furniture in a shaded or sheltered area to minimise direct exposure to the elements.



So, should you cover your wooden garden furniture when not in use? Generally the answer will be yes, especially during bad weather or when the furniture will be left unused for a while. However, remember to balance this by allowing the wood to breathe in dry, sunny conditions and using the right type of covers.

To keep your outdoor space looking its best year-round, explore our range of beautifully crafted wooden furniture and discover how you can care for it. Check out our additional aftercare guides for tips on cleaning and treating wooden garden furniture. With the right attention, your furniture can remain the stunning centerpiece of your garden for years to come.

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