According to The Government Statistical Service the UK generates 43.9 million tonnes of business and household waste a year, of which 85% of this is produced by England alone. Our wheelie bins can hold between 120 and 360 litres of rubbish, therefore resulting in around 30 million tonnes of waste coming from our wheelie bins.
However, as bin collections have reduced and are often biweekly, our bins are becoming breading grounds for some of the most common bacteria known as ‘multidrug-resistant bacteria’ or ‘super bugs’ which are often found in hospitals.
Research has found that when swabbed, a toilet seat produces on average 500 bacteria in comparison to a wheelie bin awaiting its collection which produced a swab of 240 million. Furthermore, bacteria are then able to multiple a further 5 times per week.
Inviting Unwanted Guests into The Home
As our wheelie bins become increasingly full of rotting, smelling waste one of the main reasons to not store them inside your house is they attract animals. Although to humans they seem rancid and unappealing, to animals they are a haven for nutrition and survival.
In 2019 it was reported that the UK have around 280,000 foxes which is a decline from 357,000 in 2018. As expert hunters and foragers their diet is diverse often eating mice, fruit, rats, rabbits, berries, and birds. However, sadly for urban foxes this variety is often sparse, and they often find themselves searching for rats, pigeons and through bins for their next meal.
In the latest British Pest Control Association’s report, it stated that the most common pests found in the UK were rats (186,192 callouts a year), mice (80,375 callouts a year), insects including flies (32,570 callouts a year), ants (16,464 callouts a year) and cockroaches (5,904 callouts a year) all of which bins can attract and then result within your home. Once in your home these animals can spread disease, contaminate your food, and work surfaces with their hair, body parts and excreta.
Spreading Bacteria in The House
Additionally, research has continuously shown the high levels of potentially lethal bacteria within our bins. Bugs such as Clostridium difficile (C.diff) that can cause Gastroenteritis and Septicaemia have been found regularly within household waste that has established over time. Once such antibiotic resistant bacteria are within your home, they are particularly harmful to people with lower immune systems and women who are pregnant. Therefore, ensuring your bin is outside and your home is clean is vital to your friends and families health and wellbeing.
Where You Should Store Your Wheelie Bins
Despite the fact wheelie bins can be extremely useful and practical as previously mentioned they come with their very own set of problems. To avoid unwanted animals within your home and to reduce the spread of some deadly bacteria’s it is ideal to keep your wheelie bin outside. Though, this can often lead to further issues such as unsightly, malodourous outdoor spaces. However, with the addition of a wheelie bin shed, you can keep space whether that is your front drive or back garden looking immaculate and controlled as well as various other benefits:
- Increasing aesthetics by hiding unpleasant bins
- With full 360 cover discourage unwanted animals
- Mask foul odours
- Prevent bins falling over because of high winds
- Deterrent to theft with locks